Future Fires: Quick Fire Edition
ProjectsFuture Fires: Quick Fire Edition
This Autumn, we're running a short-course version of our fantastic Future Fires project!
Want to use your creative practice to make real change in your community?
Want to speak out on a certain issue, and challenge the social barriers that your peers are facing?
Want to become an arts leader, with care and best practice at the centre of your work?
Future Fires is a long-standing Contact programme, running since 2007, that supports young artists to develop radical, social-engaged Arts projects that affect change in their communities.
Our two-week short course will provide you with mentoring and high-level training to equip you with the skills needed to take your project forward. The two-weeks will help you generate ideas; provide key project management skills; give an insight into fundraising and strategies for community engagement, as well as teaching you how to evaluate your project. Once you have completed your training, you will be given a launch fee provided by Contact of £500, to make your project a reality.
Future Fires has launched the careers of many young arts professionals and supported the establishment of new charities and social enterprises including Reform Radio, EnJoy Arts and Tandem Theatre.
‘I can honestly say that being a part of this programme was the best thing I ever did for my artistic career, it was the catalyst for all the creative work I have done and continue to do.’
Jessica Loveday, Freelance Artist
If you are aged between 18 and 30-years you can apply for this year’s short-course Future Fires programme!
Please note that applications for this project are now closed.
CREDITS and supporters
Future Fires is supported by funding from:
- Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
- Paul Hamlyn Foundation
- UnLtd
- The Peter Kershaw Trust
Thank you so much to our funders for their support.