About Rags to Riches Clothes Swap

Your pre-loved rags could be someone else’s newfound treasure!

Bippety Boppety Boo! Your Fairy Godmothers await to transform you ready for the ball! They will be on hand to support you in finding your dream outfit and to create an all-round accessible and magical experience. 

As a big focus of Cinderella is sustainability, we want to create an event which allows people to come and share their pre-loved items, and pick up a new outfit to head to Cinderella’s ball.

Our clothes swap will be an accessible and welcoming space for people of all ages and sizes to express themselves through fashion, without costing the earth - both financially and literally!

Why not come down and see what you can find?

Key Information

What is a clothes swap?

A clothes swap is a sustainable and social gathering where people exchange clothes. Participants bring pieces they no longer need, creating a selection for others to choose from. It's an eco-friendly way to refresh your wardrobe, foster community, and reduce fashion waste.

How can I donate?

If you would like to donate your pre-loved items to our clothes swap, please bring these to the reception at Contact. All sizes welcome, as well as children’s and adult’s clothes and shoes.

Not sure whether your item is right for us? If it is in good enough condition that you would give it to a friend, then we would love to have it.

What access provisions are available?
  • Fairy Godmothers will be on hand to support with all of your access needs.
  • We will also have inclusive sizing, including children’s clothes and shoes. Please just ask if you need any assistance.
  • If you prefer a quieter shopping experience, then please come along between 12pm and 1pm, for our quiet hour.

If you have any access needs you want to discuss with us, please call the box office Tuesday to Friday between 12pm – 10pm on 0161 274 0600.

Alternatively, you can email the box office on boxoffice@contactmcr.com, or get in touch via direct message on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (@contactmcr on all three platforms).

Learn more about access at Contact here.

Dates & times