About SICK! Festival: Brotherly, Otherly, Disorderly

Brotherly, Otherly, Disorderly (B.O.D) is a show by two autistic siblings, an access rider in the form of a neurodivergent pop concert.

It’s a joyous and celebratory theatrical toolkit for supporting themselves and each other; while navigating the barriers they face within a neurotypical world. In this narrative of care and brotherly support, watch what happens when their disabling barriers are transformed into something that is better designed for their needs.

B.O.D is a love letter to sibling care and neurodivergent solidarity, a theatrical access rider and a dream of a better world.

This project is supported by Sick Festival, Colchester Arts Centre, Stanley Arts, South Street Arts, Unlimited and with public funds from Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants.

Dates & times